How to see him. After a while even when you look away just out of sight is he. When he looks back you are there.
I'll try to be brief, let us make a thought, we, tie a bow together of prayer, faith, soul, mind. Which thought more life is given and the twin bow, love, peace, and joy. Consider the bowed gift, presence, life.
The living is to see a promise as deep as the hidden treasure of faithful. Consider life open a jewel, to God is the glory! The mind of the love from above in mind soul and thought, unconsidered the listener and he there to consider them all in life. Could be when my soul search hidden within the jewels of generation.
Rubbing his hands together, before the introduction of the time its course once: The great debate, the stone or the future! At the court of examination, self, let us allow this refreshing time hold tomorrow accountable for all to see. Would the stone roll away before all, and, to come aboard, the shifting? Every argument of time, the day lose, and the night has to come. The cost of the day, living. Now is always the first mistake of life, yep!
The glory of God. Alright is my friendship with my Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, the Son of God. When the soul and mind come to see there, giving glory to God, these Christ smiles!
The moment to remember will give it all, to receiving the gift, this concept, again, a smile which had remembered. The Christ, charity, fully live, few minds find such giving, such a thought, God turning and seeing a smile! To God the glory.