To become knowledgably of the Holy Sprit and see the graced blessed love onto my soul, search peace in the art of wordage. Faith its harm my intent to share the beauty of an art to words. The mind of one in love with the sharing of the beauty that God hold to see.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
DrWorddr: Days In Peace!
DrWorddr: Something Simply Beautiful Today
DrWorddr: Fun To Think!
Saturday, August 21, 2021
It is not often the mind stops to consider a grain of sand and further the elements that bond a single grain together. To expand that this universe is such a grain of sand! Every grain being singular! Such as cement which is a compound of elements that bond a sidewalk such to be.
The earth is the rare jewel in all the cosmos! The life that has to importance is human. To find within their soul where life comes. Find imaginative a case such: (Universal Counsus Court Case Narrative)
Case Number: Whatever
Uknown verse Knowledge
Presiding, Judge Wisdom, Judge, Summary, Account,
Answer. Judge Understanding knowing the condition, of, Time, Yesterday, and Tomorrow, Decision, Present, and Past, concluded Too, is, Face Today (These names are the actual name given as common sir or first names. An occurrence that's when approaching an ending as pieces of knowledge one question of itself, how to start over. Forever is only once!)
Thirteen, however many light-years technology can reach, the historical story of when measurement can not find the answer to its last counted! One mind is one mind and can not find one mind two when it can not divide itself. Explorative thinking is a concept for the first generation affected by, effectively proving the basic concept of life.
Between forever and time is a vastly unexplored area call living! The parent of a cosmos being a grain of emotion! Emotions attached to this short writing are to awaken thinking! Count the possibilities read that caused an expansive pattern to thought!
Consider this cosmos is a grain of sand composing quicksand. Space and thought (quicksand)! Before they are disturbed, can a grain of sand float within the compound? When the grain of sand becomes of many entrapping whatever sunk into its encasement. Setting aside this case is a thought!
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Search!
The beauty of Heart!
Brilliance, of bribe so that the pass holler hold up ahead, looking in hope faith to know slows, uncaught time, first up, come to my art, mind capture such beauty to know.
So that all portions are searched attach the attire, costumed the mind, throughout forever first peace, art, hold.
(Never has to arise accepted, yet, once, Son, sitting, ask and able love of faith? Arise! Come! Life!
Immediately, the tally of love. Time! Call something! Come. Rise and find something of the day. Hope! Faith! Refreshing, given a moment. Shake off the love of finding real know, loved', rejoice.
Soul, think. Take a seat, every, something, and nothing, is missed. Door slam! Everything looks up! Same time, capture compared to think. Who asks that motion. The action looks around, shadow found rejoice.
Gather? Meaning, others asked, only rather in thought see. Carry wisdom, never allow encase.
Now Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Know, I am, awake Christ, and from the shadow an answer if heart. Trust to see of all and more then looing away find, emptying the filled pool. Joy!
Toast life, find a little bit more. Stop. Wait for a smile. Exact. Look at this Son! You knew, look, Jesus, the first thing to do in the note, love the Lord. Rare, gorgeous, told you so! Love, visit, home, loved! Both the note to be, day, real smile to see. All the same, time thought become such between. Them of understanding set up after standing hope move to and search all other!
Won't become short. All rise, Son, what do you say to that? Looking waste, sum it up! Right! Pray live love. Away from all looking at the same choice one, know, the other, sum, you asked from the other loved whisper hope heart! Then is what only. Been awhile, another round? Hold, what is to meaning give? Having, of building away what happened only held by one. This the Son, tells us. Strange, stay away, scared, everything of asking opening to have found unlocking? Belief faith! Better!)
Gathered, thank you. In, everything, nothing, more, though, I! To see which seen not, still in love. My work concealed. Lord! I beat you to smiling and all heart of mind. Asking more, there, the Son is not blind. Our mind and to see one life to love. Just is, had, now Lord. A filling fresh to know the faith in from one the other. Nothing to do with must be an exception in once, hey, never turns away until might like both!
Breaking, and holding, the last, many before becoming four! Okay! My hope! Real of the find!. Such a page to last and only know the position and you're, well, from the kingdom, come of all my search. The paper, pen, hand, and shadow, much of mind. Aside, I'll hope and they which find.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Through The Veil
Him, nothing but a recalling to change better more loved. Well, a mind! So to become and give the good word.
The workings of thought, working stopped working just to find through the veil. The spirit of the soul is found a different mind.
Clearing my theory, well, today. Working to life a soul. Through the veil.
Everyday coming willing offered for one sacrifice, God, the Son Jesus asleep. Unless, the Holy Ghost is in nor out of this time, awake the Lord so he remembers their rest. A soul opens a spirit living free of its mind, through the veil.
Forever the spirit is the first that must be found. Surely life goes on, and as I am, so through the veil, come to see. Everything so that today is today behind me, as seemingly entering through, from the first light.
That principal from which to see. The whispering of generations separated from remembrence, to recall, spoke right up! "They rest and Lord awake." So returning, for you to see, through the veil.